Unbound: Group Coaching
1:1 Coaching
Boundaries To Go

What NEEDS to Change For You to Feel Better?

boundaries personal growth self-care toxic positivity Jun 08, 2024

Don’t wait for things to be different.

Decide that things will be different.

This isn’t pie in the sky thinking; what we feel is a reflection of how we think

If I feel exhausted by what’s on my plate, there is at least a part of me thinking that I have to do it all and likely that I have to do it all *WELL*

If I feel stuck, there is at least a part of me thinking that I can’t leave or change or make different choices

If I feel angry or resentful, there is at least a part of me feeling like I have no agency, or that people don’t respect my time or expertise

The point here is NOT gaslighting ourselves into toxic positivity, slapping a smile on things or blaming ourselves. Everyday, you and I both are having lots of thoughts about our lives, including what others expect from us, what we expect from us, what’s reasonable, what’s necessary, etc. And much of the time, there are parts of our day where we feel that things have to be done a certain way or else it’s not good enough. Or we think we can’t say “no” to people. Or that we can’t intentionally decide to stop doing something or to change how we do things.

Or we think that we always come last on our own lists.

There are so many thought patterns here that have well-worn ruts. You were trained to be independent, “professional,” and accommodating. 

So it makes sense if you struggle asking for help

Or saying no

Or taking a break when *everything* is not done

But to become someone with healthy boundaries, good self-care and self-agency requires internal changes.

Changes to thoughts

Changes to actions

which ultimately

Changes how we feel

What will you plan to start changing today?

Hi There!

I'm Megan. I'm a Physician and a Life Coach and a Mom. I created this blog to help other Physicians and Physician-Moms learn more about why they feel exhausted, burned-out and overwhelmed, and how to start to make changes. I hope that you enjoy what you read, and that it helps you along your journey. And hey, if you want to talk about coaching with me, I'm here for that too! I offer a free 1:1 call to see if we are a good fit. Click the button below to register today.

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