Good Enough is Good Enough
Dec 14, 2024
As the year winds down, I know many of you are feeling the weight of the season. December doesn’t just bring holiday cheer; it also brings school concerts, meetings, deadlines, and the relentless rhythm of work. For me, this past week included two evening middle school concerts, two meetings with Senate staffers on site neutrality legislation (don't be impressed, this was a weird one!), and all the usual year-end madness.
This week, I leaned hard into a mantra that has saved me more times than I can count: good enough is good enough.
As physicians, we’re wired to strive for excellence. But the same drive for perfection can become a burden when it seeps into areas of life where perfection simply isn’t necessary—or even possible.
Here’s the truth: sometimes, “good enough” is exactly what we need to get through a packed week, to preserve our sanity, and to focus on what truly matters.
Learning to Adapt
Perfectionism whispers lies in our ears: that we should do everything perfectly, that we’ll fall short if we don’t, and that other people will judge us for it. But life constantly throws curveballs, especially during high-stress seasons like this one.
Adaptability is the antidote to perfectionism. It’s the wisdom to ask:
- Will doing this perfectly (or doing it at all!) matter in a month, a week, or even tomorrow?
- Could I do this well enough and still move forward without sacrificing more time or energy than it deserves?
By practicing adaptability, we can prioritize the work and relationships that mean the most to us.
Focusing on What Matters
This week, I had to let go of some things to make room for what mattered most—showing up for my kids’ concerts, speaking up for physicians, and carving out a little time to take care of myself. I wasn’t perfect, and that’s okay.
Here’s the thing about prioritizing: it means some things will inevitably fall off the list. That can feel uncomfortable, especially if you’re used to juggling everything without dropping a ball. But the question is, which balls can you afford to let drop? Some are made of glass and need your attention; others are rubber and will bounce back if you let them go.
Taking Care of Yourself
In the middle of all this, you are still a human being with needs. Many of us feel guilty for stepping back to rest or saying “no” to someone else’s request. But when we push ourselves past our limits, we risk burnout—and none of us can give our best when we’re running on empty.
So, this week, I encourage you to ask yourself:
- Where can I embrace “good enough”?
- What tasks can I simplify or delegate?
- How can I protect my energy during this busy season?
Good enough is not the enemy of success. It’s a tool for sustainability, balance, and, ultimately, happiness.
Here’s to letting go of perfection and leaning into what’s truly important. You are already enough, and so is the effort you’re giving.
Hi There!
I'm Megan. I'm a Physician and a Life Coach and a Mom. I created this blog to help other Physicians and Physician-Moms learn more about why they feel exhausted, burned-out and overwhelmed, and how to start to make changes. I hope that you enjoy what you read, and that it helps you along your journey. And hey, if you want to talk about coaching with me, I'm here for that too! I offer a free 1:1 call to see if we are a good fit. Click the button below to register today.
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