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Don’t Get Stuck in “Right Way” Energy

negative emotions negative thoughts Aug 23, 2024

I love language.

For those of you who don't know me well, once upon a time I was an English Major. Now I was also a biology major, with two minors because as an anxious overachiever you can't just do one thing. But that is a different story.

But really I love language and writing and reading which is why I am delighted to share a new phrase with you. Language matters and if you read to the end I will share a new charming phrase that I learned from a client that will also stay with me but for now I will stick with my new discovery that I'm sharing with you. 

Do you know what I mean when I say “right way” energy? 

I mean a way of thinking that tells you there is only one “right way” to do things and therefore many wrong ways to do things if they are not the “right way.”

This comes out of years of training that led us to believe is one way that bodies are organized and function, and that there is one right way to diagnose and/or treat certain diseases. We have learned evidence-based algorithms and protocols, some for emergency use, some for surgical treatments and others from the long-standing “right way” beliefs of our teachers. As you can see, “right way” thinking is built into our medical training.

But if we put evidence-based medical care aside, and think about the many many places were there truly is no one “right way,” you might be able to see where this is creating chaos and hardship in our lives.

  1. We believe there is one “right way” to do a task 
  2. We delegate the task to someone else, but they don't do it the “right way” and we let them know 
  3. They can't read your mind and get frustrated with never being able to do it the “right way” 
  4. They won't even try to help next time
  5.  You stop asking for help or believing you can have help

Do you see the problem this causes in your life?

The good news is that you can unlearn the belief that there is one “right way” to do most tasks. Again set aside situations where the medical evidence shows one “right way,” such as ACLS protocols (which change of course as we learn what works better…..). We are focusing on everything else where there is no one right way except in your brain. If we can be flexible in doing tasks differently (some things just need to be DONE, and don’t need to be A+) and allowing other people to do tasks their own way, we open up so much space and let go of a lot of negative energy. 

So I invite you to adopt my new phrase “Right Way Energy” and to notice where it shows up in your life and what you could choose to do differently.

Be sure to tune into Ending Physician Overwhelm episode 137, airing on Tuesday, 08/27/24, where I do a deeper dive on “Right Way Energy.” Find the podcast on your favorite podcast player, and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! If you love the show already, you can also become a monthly supporter and make a small financial contribution here.

PS Want to know the charming new phrase I learned last week? One of my clients recently lost her grandma, and shared that her grandma loved parties and party food, which she called “Snicky Snacks;” as in “come on over and we’ll have some Snicky Snacks.” Don’t you think that’s a keeper!?! To my client, love and hugs and thank you for sharing a piece of your grandma with me!

Hi There!

I'm Megan. I'm a Physician and a Life Coach and a Mom. I created this blog to help other Physicians and Physician-Moms learn more about why they feel exhausted, burned-out and overwhelmed, and how to start to make changes. I hope that you enjoy what you read, and that it helps you along your journey. And hey, if you want to talk about coaching with me, I'm here for that too! I offer a free 1:1 call to see if we are a good fit. Click the button below to register today.

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