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Boundaries To Go

Boundaries With Yourself

boundaries Jul 19, 2024
Self, Woman, yoga, sitting, beach

A lot of the work I have done in my own life, and that I do with my coaching clients (ok, and my patients TBH) is practicing boundaries. Many of us have been socialized to NOT have boundaries; we may want them, we may think that they are a good idea, but most of us didn’t learn how to set and maintain them.

So this month, I’m giving you scripts that you can practice NOW until they become more natural.

And today, we proceed to WHAT TO SAY TO YOURSELF:

When you don’t want to exercise, meditate or some other restful self-care:

“It’s normal that I think I need to take care of others right now; I’m used to this. But taking care of myself now, helps me to take better care of other people. So right now, I choose to take care of myself.”

“When I take the time to exercise/meditate/rest, I feel better. When I feel better, I’m more productive. I’m nicer. I’m more myself.”

When you don’t want to finish the note (because someone is waiting):

“2 minutes to finish the note now or 15 minutes tonight?”

“My note is more accurate when I finish it now”

“I choose to complete this now, even if my next patient must wait. It’s ok for them to wait”

“The note is part of the visit; it’s not my homework”

“Charting now helps me be a better parent/spouse/friend/partner later”

When someone asks you to do something and you want to say “no”

“It’s safe for me to say “no.” A part of me believes that I won’t be ok, based on my past experiences. But I will stand up for myself here and say “no.””

“ Saying “no” here allows others to grow. Other people become better problem-solvers when I am not able/willing to solve the problem for them.”

“My body is saying “no,” because it needs rest/relaxation/food/etc. I will honor my body by saying “no””

 Where else do YOU need boundaries with yourself? Boundaries that are loving, self-compassionate and nurturing. Not the old way (rigid, mean). 

Hi There!

I'm Megan. I'm a Physician and a Life Coach and a Mom. I created this blog to help other Physicians and Physician-Moms learn more about why they feel exhausted, burned-out and overwhelmed, and how to start to make changes. I hope that you enjoy what you read, and that it helps you along your journey. And hey, if you want to talk about coaching with me, I'm here for that too! I offer a free 1:1 call to see if we are a good fit. Click the button below to register today.

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